
Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Dental Implants services offered in Aubrey, TX

Losing a tooth doesn’t automatically mean you have to wear removable dentures. At Miracle Smile Dental in Aubrey, Texas, Nisha Modi, DMD, places dental implants for adult patients with missing teeth. Dr. Modi performs single and multiple dental implants and offers a variety of replacement teeth options. To learn more about dental implants, call Miracle Smile Dental or schedule an appointment online today.

Dental Implants Q&A

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are thin titanium posts that replace your natural tooth roots if you lose a permanent tooth. Unlike removable dentures, which sit on top of your gums, dental implants bond to your jawbone. As a result, they’re sturdier and more durable than removable prosthetics. 

What are the benefits of dental implants?

Most dentists consider dental implants to be the gold standard in teeth replacement due to their many benefits, which include:



Because dentures sit on top of your gums, they can shift over time. They may appear bulky and unnatural. Dental implants secure your teeth in place, so they look identical to your natural teeth.



With dental implants, you can chew and speak comfortably. You have no food restrictions like you do with dentures, and you never have to worry about your implants shifting when you eat.



Made of durable material, dental implants can last for 25 years or more*. They’re less likely to fracture than dentures or bridges, and you can brush and floss like you normally do to keep them clean.


Bone protection

When you lose an adult tooth, the root eventually dissolves. Your jawbone needs tooth roots for constant stimulation. Without a root, your body produces osteoclasts, which break down existing bone. This process can age your face and lead to additional tooth loss. By stimulating the tissue in your jaw, dental implants prevent bone resorption.

What is the dental implant process like?

While dental implants take months to plan and place, they last longer than any tooth replacement solution. Your first visit includes a comprehensive dental exam, teeth cleaning, and X-rays. Because you need healthy bone in your jaw to support implants, Dr. Modi may recommend a bone graft before the procedure.

The next step is dental implant surgery, which Dr. Modi performs using anesthesia. After surgically placing the implant, Dr. Modi sutures the incision. It takes about 6-12 weeks for your mouth to heal, during which time the implant naturally bonds to the surrounding jawbone. When the swelling subsides, Dr. Modi takes new impressions to create your replacement teeth.

At your final visit, Dr. Modi exposes the top of the implant, called the abutment, and connects it to your replacement teeth to fully restore the function and appearance of your smile.

What options are available for replacement teeth?


Full dentures

A set of full dentures replaces all of your upper or lower teeth. These dentures fit directly over the surface of your gums, creating a snug fit that allows you to eat and speak normally. 


Partial dentures

As the name implies, partial dentures replace just some of your natural teeth, leaving the healthy teeth in place. Partial dentures consist of false teeth secured in place with implants.  

To learn more about dental implants, call Miracle Smile Dental or schedule an appointment online today.

*Individual results may vary